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Frequently Asked Questions

1. When does a student sign up for the program?

There are no specific windows for signing the agreement. It can be done at any time as long as the student realizes that he/she must have sufficient time to complete the student eligibility requirements, specifically the completion of 50 hours of tutoring and mentoring activities.

2. What if a student signs a participation agreement and then decides to attend a four-year college/university?

There are no repercussions for signing a participation agreement and completing the student eligibility requirements. Receiving the A+ recognition always looks good on scholarship and college applications. Some Missouri four-year colleges do accept A+ or are willing to give a similar award.

3. What are the guidelines for tutoring and mentoring? When can a student begin?

Remember these basic points. Tutoring should be academic in nature and always be supervised by district staff. Tutoring may be for students younger, older or the same age as the student and may be performed before, during or after the school day or during summer school. The A+ student may not start tutoring until after completion of 9th grade and gpa requirements are met. All tutoring assignments must be approved by the A+ Coordinator!

4. How long are the A+ funds available?

The incentive funds are available for eligible students during the four-year period immediately following graduation. Eligibility expires upon the earliest of: 48 months from high school graduation, receipt of an Associate Degree, or completion of 105% of the required hours for the student's program of study.

5. What must a student do to retain eligibility in college?

A student must be enrolled as a full-time student (at least 12 hours during the fall and spring semesters and 6 hours during the summer) and maintain, at a minimum a 2.5 cumulative GPA. Students must also resubmit a FAFSA form every year.

More facts concerning the A+ program:
A+ Facts Sheet


For more information on the A+ Schools Program go to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

Eligible Postsecondary Institutions:
Public Career Technical Schools: Career Technical Schools

Public Community Colleges: Community Colleges